Oddychać Imieniem

Breathing the Name – the Prayer of The Heart © Maksymilian Nawara OSB A believer does not have to be convinced of the necessity of prayer. Not only because he has heard it hundreds of times that one needs to pray but because, to greater or lesser extent, he feels that prayer is the basic need of the human heart. One can react to this need occasionally – when “something goes wrong” or “when we feel good”. We can also make a decision that “we want to pray” irrespective of everything. However, frequently, a problem appears. “I want but I don’t know how”. Prayer is often associated with something...

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Modlitwa bycia (II)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue, suscipit a, scelerisque sed, lacinia in, mi. Cras vel lorem. Etiam pellentesque aliquet tellus. Phasellus pharetra nulla ac diam. Quisque semper justo at risus. Donec venenatis, turpis vel hendrerit interdum, dui ligula ultricies purus, sed posuere libero dui id orci. Nam congue, pede vitae dapibus aliquet, elit magna vulputate arcu, vel tempus metus leo non est. Etiam sit amet lectus quis est congue mollis. Phasellus congue lacus eget neque. Phasellus ornare, ante vitae consectetuer consequat, purus sapien ultricies...

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Modlitwa bycia (I)

© Jacek Bolewski SJ Introduction: Meditation in the West Our reflections are devoted to prayer and more precisely to one type of prayer, which is best described by the title “the prayer of being”. It requires some explanation to which we will arrive gradually. Our starting point will be yet a different term used for prayer, namely meditation. I.1 Meditation is in fashion Meditation has become fashionable, which is testified by a great number of books devoted to it. Even more than from book titles and covers, the word “meditation” attracts us from posters and adverts put in public places...

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8 sekretów

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue, suscipit a, scelerisque sed, lacinia in, mi. Cras vel lorem. Etiam pellentesque aliquet tellus. Phasellus pharetra nulla ac diam. Quisque semper justo at risus. Donec venenatis, turpis vel hendrerit interdum, dui ligula ultricies purus, sed posuere libero dui id orci. Nam congue, pede vitae dapibus aliquet, elit magna vulputate arcu, vel tempus metus leo non est. Etiam sit amet lectus quis est congue mollis. Phasellus congue lacus eget neque. Phasellus ornare, ante vitae consectetuer consequat, purus sapien ultricies...

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